Administrative & Technical Staff


Prof. Dan Ralph, Department Chair
109 Clark Hall
email: [email protected]
(607) 255-9644

Prof. Matthias Liepe, Director of Graduate Studies
302 Physical Sciences Building
email: [email protected]
(607) 254-8937

Prof. Tomas Arias, Director of Undergraduate Studies
522 Clark Hall
email: [email protected]
(607) 255-0450

Paula L. Epps-Cepero, Director of Administration
113 Clark Hall
(607) 255-6022
Directs department business operations, and oversees administrative and technical staff. Manages areas of finance, budget, personnel, and facilities. Coordinates teaching program, and assigns graduate teaching assistants. Click here to share a suggestion with the Cornell Department. (You will first be sent to authenticate to ensure you are a Cornell user. This information is NOT being collected by the survey.)

Kacey Bray, Administrative Supervisor
109 Clark Hall
(607) 255-6016
email: [email protected]
Provides administrative support to the Chair and the Director of Administration. Responsible for faculty and graduate student appointments.

Karl Hill
119 Clark Hall
(607) 255-6163
email: [email protected]
Accounts and purchasing coordinator and payroll representative for the Department.

Casey Neville, Graduate Program Coordinator
117  Clark Hall
(607) 255-7561
email: [email protected]
Responsible for graduate student records, admissions, recruitment, and new graduate student orientation.

Ellen Quarmby
250 Rockefeller Hall
(607) 255-6033
email: [email protected]
Testing Center Assistant

Sue Sullivan, Undergraduate and Events Coordinator
117 Clark Hall
(607) 255-7562
email: [email protected]
Responsible for colloquia, special lectures, and undergraduate majors.  Back-up for duplicating work.

Danyel Wierson, Course Coordinator
121 Clark Hall
(607) 255-7563
enrollment email: [email protected]
email: [email protected]
Responsible for classroom and course scheduling, grading and course information, registration, and enrollments. Also responsible for textbook and desk copy orders, course evaluations, social media, and web page management.


Technical Staff

Phil Krasicky 
B-1 Rockefeller Hall
(607) 255-6021
Teaching Support Specialist. Develops and enhances instructional laboratory experiments and lecture demonstrations for undergraduate physics courses, in consultation with faculty, instructors, and technical staff, effectively utilizing computers, technical programs, and web technology. Oversees technical staff in the production, fabrication, and implementation of experiments and demonstrations.

Kevin Labe
308 Clark Hall
(607) 255-2374
Director of Advanced Labs. Responsible for the advanced experimental teaching labs for physics seniors ( 4410) and for graduate students ( 6510). About eighty different experiments are available in a wide range of areas for students to choose from. The advanced labs are located on the 3rd and 4th floors in Clark Hall.

Jonathan Lagasse
B-27 Rockefeller Hall
(607) 255-6034
Serves as the Rockefeller Building Manager overseeing upkeep of the facility and the distribution of building keys. Provides technical support for the teaching labs in all of the introductory physics courses, with main focus on the introductory course 1101/1102. The labs are located on the basement level and on the second floor of Rockefeller Hall. Additional support is provided for the electronic circuits course, 3360, in Clark Hall.

Mark Lory-Moran
B-27 Rockefeller Hall
(607) 255-2398
Provides technical support for the teaching labs of the physics courses in Rockefeller Hall, including: the undergraduate engineering sequences 1112, 2213, 2214, their counterparts for majors 1116, 2217, 2218, the introductory courses offered to non-majors 1101-1102, 2207-2208, the intermediate undergraduate lab 3310, and the electronic circuits course 3360. Also serves as the Assistant Building Manager to Rockefeller Hall as needed.

Jenny Wurster
202 Rockefeller Hall
(607) 255-2371
Teaching support specialist for the large undergraduate physics lectures in 1112, 1116, 1201, 1203, 1204, 2207, 2208, 2213, 2214, 2217, and 2218. Sets up and maintains the equipment used in the lecture demonstrations, most of which take place on the second floor in the south wing of Rockefeller Hall.
