Richard Talman

Professor Emeritus


Accelerator physics; electromagnetic radiation; nonlinear mechanics; computer simulation; Stern-Gerlach polarimetry; Electric dipole moments


Research Focus

My recent efforts have been devoted to developing methods for measuring the electric dipole moments (EDM) of the electron and the proton. These moments are known to be very small. Any measureably large EDM would be evidence for violation of both parity (P) and time reversal (T) invariance. Such violations are expected to be associated with the observed imbalance of particles and anti-particles in the present-day universe. Appreciable deviation from zero could indicate violation of the “standard model” of elementary particle physics. There are numerous experimental challenges. The immediate plan, in collaboration with physicists at Jefforson Lab in Virginia and at U.N.M, is to demonstrate (non-destructive) Stern-Gerlach polarimetry, both transverse and longitudinal, at Jefferson Lab.



"The Electric Dipole Moment Challenge",  ISBN: 978-1-6817-4508-4, IOPScience, Black and Claypool Publishers, 2017  

"Ground-up circular Higgs Factory ring design and cell length optimization", R. Talman, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A, 32, 1730005 (20 pages), 2017

"A merged quadrupole-calorimeter for CEPC, R. Talman and J. Hauptman, Int.J.Mod.Phys. A31 no.33, 1644025, 2016

"Scaling Behavior of Synchrotron Radiation Dominated Circular Colliders", R. Talman, World Scientific Journal, IJMPA, Vol. 30 1544003 (91 pages), 2015

"Electric dipole moment planning with a resurrected BNL Alternating Gradient Synchrotron electron analog ring", R. Talman and J. Talman, PRST-AB, 18, 074004 (2015)
